Cookie cutters and stained pages of old recipes, aahhhh, Christmas baking time!

The first week of December is well under way, and I have put a small dent in my many to do lists. For many foodies, that means the pantry better be full of the needed ingredients to make the must haves for the Christmas season. You know, the time of sharing, caring, and loving with family and good friends, and yes, total strangers that won’t be by the time a hello is said! A year ago I wasn’t the one decorating or baking or doing much of anything but resting, the reason doesn’t matter, but that’s how it was. I think that is why I have that wonderful merry feeling this December. I just need longer days to get everything done that I would like. From the many years of farming I have learned to be flexible and realistic. So, by December 23rd, what will be will be!

Cooking and baking traditional family cookies, puddings, fruit cakes, tourtieres, German/Polish cabbage dressing and trying a few experimental recipes just for the fun of it, is a full undertaking. It is not for the faint of heart. You grow into the job as you pass each Christmas feasting over the few weeks of Advent and the New Year.

With the prepping comes the digging out of the favorite cookie cutters of my grandmother Mary Seltzer. Getting the carrot pudding mold down from the top shelf brings with it memories of a fun shopping spree with my mom and sister in 1982. Its box has become yellowed and brown, the date neatly written on the top corner (that’s my mom!) The family recipes are dog eared and soiled with splatters of butter and batter. These kitchen utensils are so much more, they are part of me. Using the recipes that were hand written by my great grandmother, my grandmothers and my mom, is a feeling of connection with each of them. Having and using their personal baking items fills me with their presence. The saying money can’t buy happiness, is so true when it comes to the ordinary “things” people use each day in their lives, and then become rather priceless to some of us as time moves along. Treasure your family pieces.

Happy baking, hold on to your traditions and enjoy the moments,


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Christmas baking……

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Village store windows

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